Are you noticing changes in behavior in your older pet, such as excessive sleeping, isolation, or clinginess? According to Firstline magazine (August 2012), one-third of pet owners have no idea when their pets will become senior, thus become frustrated with frequent “accidents” and puzzling behavior changes. Signs that your pet is reaching their senior age include restlessness and behavior changes. Signs of discomfort to watch for include panting, pacing, walking when defecating and reluctance to run or jump. Your pet may also be sensitive to weather changes which may cause joint pain and reduced activity. Changes in drinking or urinating routines, loss of energy, vomiting, or lack of appetite are signs of internal changes. If your pet is experiencing any of these, call our office and we would be happy to examine your geriatric animal, especially as they age. Yearly exams and dental cleanings can help your pet remain healthy and live longer.
Firstline Magazine (August 2012) “Teach pet owners to care for old pets”